
Type: Residential
Date: Ongoing
Location: King Island, Palawa Country
With: –
Photographs: OSA

This off-grid residence is situated on 10 acres of ocean front land. The site faces south west and is subject to the full brunt of the Southern Ocean’s forces, with heavy winds and rain common and sunlight at a premium. 

The design responds to these conditions with a U-shaped plan, centred around a sheltered deck, from which one can see through the building to the ocean beyond. A skillion roof angles towards the deck to accommodate the solar array and easy capture and storage of rain water for household, garden and bushfire use. A tough and economical exterior material palate of metal and cement sheeting responds to the harsh conditions and bushfire regulations, while the interior is lined with timber and plywood providing warmth to the house. 

The floor plan is divided into three zones to maximise space within the small footprint. The shared living space separates a private sleeping wing from a flexible working and guest wing, while different sized rooms serve a variety of uses and functions. 

Oscar Sainsbury Architects